Perspective: What Do You See Young Grasshopper

In this sermon’s text, the Hebrew people perceive themselves as grasshoppers, and their grasshopper perspective framed their whole world and how they interacted with it. The majority report focuses on the problems and the obstacles. There is no mention of God anywhere in the majority report. In contrast, look at the minority report from Joshua and Caleb, the two who had the same shared experience as the other ten spies, but in the midst of the circumstances were able to see the possibilities. Joshua and Caleb’s report focused not on what they could accomplish, but on what God could do. Their report is, “the Lord is with us, do not fear! The Lord is with us…with God’s help, we are far from grasshoppers.” Is our outlook, our perspective on life, framed by how we perceive ourselves? Are we limited by our own grasshopper perspectives? Scripture: Numbers 13:30 – 14:10